There’s a plethora of misconceptions about measuring zeta potential in high conductivity/high salt concentration media. Some even doubt the existence of zeta potentials under these conditions. Let’s set the record straight with some facts:

Zeta Potentials in High Salt Concentrations: A Reality

Contrary to popular belief, significant zeta potentials can indeed exist at high salt concentrations. This is especially true depending on the type of particles involved. It’s a nuanced field and understanding the behavior of charged particles in such environments is crucial for accurate scientific analysis.

Introducing My NG-ELS System: A Pioneer in Zeta Potential Measurement

I am proud to introduce my NG-ELS system, the only technology capable of accurately measuring in high conductivity media. This system represents a breakthrough in the field, offering precision where traditional methods fall short. As of now, my patented technology is exclusive, and I am in discussions with commercial manufacturers for licensing.

Exclusive Measurement Service for Your High Salt Samples

Until my technology becomes widely available through commercial channels, the only way to measure your samples in high salt conditions is through my exclusive service. I invite you to contact me to discuss your specific needs and how my NG-ELS system can provide the accurate measurements you require.

Case Study: Zeta Potential Resilience in High Salt Conditions

Evidence of zeta potential’s persistence in high conductivity environments is found in the study “Cationic Sterically Stabilized Diblock Copolymer Nanoparticles Exhibit Exceptional Tolerance Toward Added Salt” by Sarah J. Byard et al. This study explores the behavior of PATAC100-PDAAM1500 nanoparticles in varying concentrations of aqueous KCl. Our findings show that highly cationic zeta potentials (≥ +35 mV) are present at low salt concentrations (up to 0.1 M KCl), diminishing gradually to less than +10 mV at 4 M KCl.

Cationic Sterically Stabilized Diblock Copolymer Nanoparticles Exhibit Exceptional Tolerance toward Added Salt

Sarah J. ByardAdam BlanazsJohn F. Miller, and Steven P. Armes*

Langmuir 2019, 35, 44, 14348–14357

high salt/high conductivity zeta potential measurements

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